
Tribal butterfly with special custom design from Malaysia tattoo shop .

Our custom design tattoos which we have posted come with arrows and information about the wearers and their tattoos.Each tells about the wearer's personal identification ,elements, culture, beliefs and a story behind it. The purpose of the illustration is to increase awareness on the value and specialty of personalized/custom design tattoos. With a better understanding of tattoo and its uniqueness , we are then able to move forward to upgrade the qualities and it's art value . Thus making Tattoo a creative, healthy and positive image in society.

From Malaysia tattoo artist : Simple Lim
Location : Malaysia tattoo studio @  The Summit Subang  USJ , 3rd Floor
Website : www.simpletattoo4u.com
Email : fattsan@gmail.com
Like my page @ facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Simple-Tattoo-Simple-Lim-/201082956569283

